You have seen them going from house to house, passing out their pamphlets. Do you understand what they teach and why they are wrong? Here is a Scripture Study that can be used for individual growth, or presented as a Bible Class. The uniqueness of this Bible Study is that it begins with the teaching of Jehovah. This is the area that the Jehovah Witnesses believe is their strength. Read and see what happens when an Old Testament theologian meets them on his ground. It does not take long to see that their their strength is really their weakness. to become is really their weakness.There are 10 lessons which cover most of their teachings. In those lessons you will learn how to answer them by using Scripture. You will also find that your understanding of God and His plan of salvation in Chris will grow in appreciation and depth.
Jehovah Witness, A House Of Sand 125 pages - by: Rev. Shawn E. Kauffeld
Paperback $12.95 plus shipping or in digital no shipping.
This Bible Study was written for my Youth Group. By using the computer and how it functions, many religious teachings are presented and examined. The result is exactly what the name says. My Computer's a Lutheran. Come and enjoy the writings of 'MCAL' and the chats that take place online.My Computer Explains Religion - by: Rev Shawn Kauffeld
Paperback 74 pages plus shipping or in digital no shipping.
Confirmation is a public rite of the church, for the student to grow in faith and knowledge. This confirmation teaching book is divided into two parts. The first part of the book presents the major teaching of Scripture. It is generally used for 7th grade confirmation class or for adult confirmation classes. The second half of the book follows the small catechism in order and style. The style of presentation for both sections is question and answer.Confirmation Teaching Booklet - 149 pages by: Rev Shawn Kauffeld
Paperback - $10.00 plus shipping or in digital no shipping.
CONFIRMATION BOOK (Luther's Small Catechism)
Confirmation books for the ELS are printed in both the ESV and the NKJV.
Luther's Small Catechism - NKJV or ESV
Paperback - $20.00
The teaching of Church and Ministry no longer troubles me. Instead, it has become a teaching that I enjoy very much, and at the same time, a teaching in which I find a lot of comfort. Many times the reason something is difficult to understand or explain is because the starting and focal point that is being used is located in the wrong place. I believe with all of my heart that this is true for the Doctrine of Church and Ministry. The starting point for Church and Ministry is not in the Office of the Ministry, instead it must be found in that which preceded it.
Available in digital no shipping., 37 pages $5.00  
A Treatise on the Lutheran Doctrine of the Ministry, with Special Reference to Luther 's Large Catechism
Paperback 251 pages $16.50 plus shipping by: Pastor David Jay Webber
Paperback - $16.50
Eleven Divine Portraits of Jesus the Messiah in the Old & New Testament - by: Rev E. P. KauffeldThis wonderful book shows through Old and New Testaments of Scripture that the Savior of the New Testament is the Promised Messiah of the Old Testament. See the portraits of Jesus unfold as; The Seed, The Rock, The Angel of the Lord, The Lamb, The Shepherd, The Personified Word, The Prophet, The Priest, The King, The Personified Wisdom of God, and the Servant of the Lord come into focus.If you want to see the Savior in the Old Testament and want to teach the Messiah in His various roles, this book is for you.
Paperback 278 pages $24.95 plus shipping or in digital no shipping.
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